• Partnerships

    We want to find the right partners for you. As a sports marketing agency we believe in the power of ecosystems in order to create value, stories and great relationships.

    Sponsorships & endorsements

    Sustainability is important to us. That’s why we aim for long term partnerships. Being a brand ambassador also comes with a responsibility towards your sponsors and endorsements.

    Social media campaigns & collaborations

    We also manage online and offline campaigns and collaboration. These should always be compatible with your values and interests.

  • Building a personal brand

    Together we will develop your personal brand. In 1:1 workshops, we will analyse your identity and create your personal brand portfolio. Based on that we will advise you on your individual brand strategy - a plan that fits your values and supports your goals and ambitions for your dual career and your career after the career. “Investing into a dual career is the smartest investment!” – Viktoria Schnaderbeck.

    Dual career advice

    We push our athletes to think outside the box. We always want you to prioritise your sport but at the same time identify your strengths and interests outside your sport. Focusing on a dual career means taking responsibility for your life outside and after sports!

    Career transition support

    The advantage of having a dual career is to make the transition from being an athlete to a non-athlete as smooth as possible. When the time comes, the goal is to step into the next chapter of your life with confidence, purpose and a clear plan.